Joris Voorn, a renowned Dutch DJ and producer, is a leading force in the electronic music scene. Born on February 25, 1977 in Tilburg, he discovered his passion for music early in his life. Voorn’s unique style skillfully blends different genres such as techno, house and ambient, which has won him a wide fan base. With his unmistakable sound and exceptional talent, he has secured himself a permanent place in the world of electronic music. His debut album “Future History” from 2010 was critically acclaimed and cemented his reputation as an innovative artist. Joris Voorn is known for his energetic live performances that send audiences around the world into ecstasy. He has played at some of the world’s most prestigious venues and festivals and is considered one of the leading figures in the electronic music scene. With an impressive discography and an inexhaustible passion for music, Joris Voorn remains a driving force behind the modern sound of electronic music.
SA 24.08.